Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Folks, I sincerely apologize that this has taken me so long!  "Where is your book?" is a question I get frequently!  Well, it's coming.  I promise. 

Although I was happy with draft number one, there was still something....well, missing. So I decided to sit on it.  Take a writing course while I thought things over.  Study more.  Learn as much as I could about book publishing.  Kept sitting.  Sitting.  Then got very stuck. 

What is the ONE THING the biggest best-sellers hold?  Uniqueness.  EXTREME uniqueness.  Well, I thought that my ghost story was unique.  But the more I read, the more thought about it....

Nope.  I knew that my story wasn't exciting enough. 

So I sat.  Sat sat sat.

Until two days ago.

I know what was missing and I am thrilled about it!  Happened upon an old psychology book from the late 1800's, and it is filled with GOLD.

Gimme a little while longer.  It's coming.  It's better.  :>)

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Revise, revise, revise.......
I am learning that this is the writer's life!
I have had several people ask me "Where's your book?!?"  Well, it's getting a face lift.  Again.  Which will be followed by more tweaking and twisting and twirling.  So, I apologize for the wait, but I want to get this RIGHT!  I'm also taking a copywriting course that I think will only help my style of writing.  This will take me a year (at least!) to finish.   Not to mention, but I've also been advised by several writers to wait until the economy gets better.  Hard to sell anything right now, let alone something that is hard to sell in a good economy!  So, I apologize for the wait.......you are all so great for your inquiries!......but it'll be a while longer.  Thanks so much for your support!